
Posts Tagged ‘will smiths workout for i am legend’

The Way Will Smith Got Muscled Up For I Am Legend

July 4, 2010 Comments off

Although Will Smith certainly has an incredibly well toned, muscular body, it’s actually his perseverance and “can-do” attitude that really attracts so many people to his winning personality, which is largely responsible for his impressive and highly successful career in the Hollywood movie industry.

The great thing about Will Smith is that, if there’s anyway to do a particular thing, he WILL find a way to do it once he sets his mind to it!  Instilled at a very early age by his father was the determination to study life’s many intricacies, then EXCEL at them. This is apparent from his enormous success in such hits as Seven Pounds, MIB (one and two), The Pursuit of Happyness, Independence Day, and I Robot.  This amazing drive was also the reason for his Grammy win at the young age of 21.

Just one look at his body will tell you that he is clearly dedicated to fitness.  With the Will Smith Workout and incredible work ethic, he actually maintains less than ten percent bodyfat ALL YEAR! What does he do to keep this physique? How does he maintain it? Modestly, Will labels himself as “average” when it comes to his acting abilities. He openly admits that he has a deep, basic, almost primitive NEED to push himself forward.

His I Am Legend workout actually required him to go from 210 to 190 pounds for the movie role. And he DID lose those 20 pounds! As an ectomorph, Will knows that it’s harder for him with this body type to gain muscle mass than to trim down and shed bodyfat.

Resistance training up to four times weekly, coupled with five-mile runs six times weekly, was required of Will to get him in the shape he is in today. In both I Robot and I Am Legend, Will “shows off” the ease in which he can perform pull-ups. He is obviously accustomed to body-weight exercises.  By his demonstration of upper body strength, he makes this act look incredibly easy!

Want to achieve a Will Smith fitness level?  Start off by doing a hundred pull-ups and five hundred push-ups every week.  Also, you’ll want to start running – a mile every day for five days a week is a great start. There’s a “Will Smith diet” to help reach this level of Will Smith fitness, too.  Basically, you’ll want to increase lean protein and raw veggies, while limiting empty carbs like sugary sweets and soft drinks.

Rather than go on some “crash diet” to get toned up for a movie part, Will believes in maintaining his fitness level year-round. Basically, “KEEPING” in shape is easier than “GETTING” in shape!

If you follow this Will Smith Workout and his style of living, and are ready to put forth some REAL EFFORT, you, too, can have this impressive Will Smith fitness level!